Server Virtualization is something to truly get excited about as an owner or individual responsible for your IT investment. Talking about the Cloud? Well this is your way to build your own cloud. Start consolidating your multiple servers onto ONE server. This saves you electricity, cooling costs, and most importantly, maintenance costs. We can use VMware to start consolidating your old servers into one powerful new server. Total cost of ownership plummets, maintenance costs go down, reliability and scalability go up, and now you know you’re on top of your IT game
What is Server Virtualization?
Hardware Virtualization uses software to create a Virtual Machine (VM) that emulates a physical computer. This creates a separate OS environment that is logically isolated from the host server. By providing multiple VMs at once, this approach allows several operating systems to run simultaneously on a single physical machine. Rather than paying for many under-utilized server machines, each dedicated to a specific workload, server virtualization allows those workloads to be consolidated onto a smaller number of more fully-used machines.
VMware vs Hyper-V
The two most popular Server Virtualization products are VMware and Microsoft’s Hyper-V. As of January of 2013 VMware still controlled approximately 60% of the Server Virtualization market, they had a near monopoly as recently as 2006. Microsoft’s’ Hyper-V now controls about 25% of the market.
At one point in time, Microsoft’s Hyper-V solution was for small shops and VMware’s was for larger data centers, but that is no longer the case. Both vendor’s have filled these product gaps. VMware has plenty to offer small shops, and Microsoft has the necessary features to compete at the high end. Both Microsoft and VMware make it easy to start small and grow as your virtualization environment expands.
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